Sylcraft Handcrafted Glass Beads and Jewelry

Wire for jewelrymaking, jewelry supplies and handmade lampwork glass beads

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Welcome to Sylcraft Handcrafted

Glass Beads, Jewelry and Jewelry making supplies.


Secure Online Stores:

Secure shopping for beads, lampwork beads,jewelry supplies and more.

Secure shopping for handmade dog and cat collars and leashes


OR you can vist Sylcraft at  for beads and jewelry supplies such as jewelry wire etc. (Not all items are offered at Etsy).

Some things we offer for your jewelry making fun

Wire for jewelry making at Etsy store

Parawire and wire for jewelry making at Sylcraftbeads webstore

Handmade beads at Etsy store

Handcrafted lampwork glass beads at Sylcraftbeads webstore

Czech glass beads at Etsy store

Czech glass beads, Firepolished glass beads etc at Sylcraftbeads webstore

Glass pearls at Etsy store

Glass Pearls at Sylcraftbeads Webstore


Round, heart and some baroque  shapes are available for purchase.  

**In business since 1997 and on line shopping on the web since 2000 **



Hello !!

My name is Sylvia Holtman  sylvia  and I am the craftsperson behind Sylcraft Beads and Jewelry. I live in Central Washington State and we generally have great weather here in Central Washington.  Summers are warm and sunny and spring is just right.  We usually have a little snow in the winter although this year it was quite cold and our winter lasted a LONG time.  The cat just came inside and said forget it out there !!


 I have been making my handmade lampwork glass beads since 1997.  

This was added to the gemstone wire jewelry that I had previously been making.    

 As you explore this site you will see some of my work displayed.

We have moved our retail store online at this time but local pickup is available if you purchase your items through our online store and choose this option. No shipping costs are added for local pickup.

A little bit on Glass Beads

Glass Beads have been a part of our society for millenia.

Since Glass beads were used for trading purposes and to identify a person of stature in society, glass beads become intricately woven into our world.  

Native Americans used beads as adornment and many beautiful works of art can be found adorning clothing worn for ceremonial purposes.  Most beads used were tiny glass seed beads and were sewn into the garments to become part of the actual fabric structure.  Bone and other types of materials were also used to accent the look.

Glass beads as a trade element were highly prized and used to trade for furs and other items. As you can see, glass beads are NOT a new idea !!  ;-)

I think we still use jewelry and beads to identify the more "elite" in our midst.  Just think of the movie stars and musicians who use jewelry to show their abundance.

Handmade Art Glass beads have also made their impact around the world.  This is not a new idea either as the art of lampworking has been around for thousands of years and some interesting antique beads have been found.  However, as American and other glass workers constantly challenge the techniques, more and more  handmade glass art bead designs appear.  

I hope you enjoy my personal take on this beautiful wearable art form !

Sylvia  :-)


I also teach private music lessons as nearly a full time job. If you are interested in

private piano, vocal, beginning guitar or piano accordion please let me know.  







Handcrafted JewelryImage

Sterling Silver Horse and            Colt pendant

14K GF Blue Onyx


My handcrafted jewelry is made from gemstones or handmade beads and 14K Rolled Gold or Sterling Silver wire unless otherwise stated.  

Findings--handmade clasps, earwires and other findings.

Gemstone jewelry featuring faceted stones and Cabachons.



Earrings and more !


 Please note that beads are handcrafted and will vary in size and possibly in color.

 Beads all begin as a rod of color--

either transparent or opaque of some kind

(I use imported Italian Glass or Czech glass as a general rule)

The rod is then heated in a propane/oxygen torch to a molten state and then formed by hand into the beads you will see as you enter the bead sections of the store.   No molds are used in this process.

They are then annealed for at least 8 hours in a kiln at the proper temperature so they do not crack later. It is quite a process !! But so fun...

Here are examples of some of the beads you will see as you browse the store...  

If you desire, just click the picture and you will go directly to that category of beads.                      

Handcrafted Glass Beads Unique designs

Copyright © 2000 -2025 Sylcraft

 amphora bottles                 


 Dichroic beads




and Sets

Cross beads

in various styles &




in many styles


American Color

Beads in

Red, White and Blue-Many styles





Bees & other insects such as butterflies, ladybugs & other bugs



different styles


Puppy dog

beads in different styles

Horse head

beads in different styles and colors

Mr Kool Blue Milk Pitcher with accent beads Image Image

Face Beads

This one is

"Mr Kool"


Pitcher beads

and Sets

Beer Mugs

(or Root beer Mugs if you prefer)


More styles coming

 along soon





Christmas tree beads with "lights" of dichroic glass--cool !  ;-)

Santa beads,

Snowman beads, Angels & more !

Wizard beads...

Many different ones and all unique.

Angel beads


grape pendtant

Turquoise pendant

mushroom pendant

mushroom pendant

Floral beads of many kinds both encased an not.

MANY different pendant beads...




Great for Hemp or Cord

 Many styles

and colors




Image Image



and other

Sea Beads

Fish Bowl Beads

Angel Fish etc






Fish Beads



Confidence        !

All items 100%


and made in the USA

Secure Online


Your information is safe with us !

 The lampworked sculpture beads are great strung on wire or head pin or eye pins. HEMP and CORD will also work.
They make unique ornaments, or pins, bookmarks, hair ornaments and great stick pins !

If you would like to shop on Etsy:

Sylcraft Online SECURE shopping ! 



A little on the History of Beads
